

A strikingly intense portrayal of a dire situation, Cries from Syria serves as a potent record of the events that have transpired there since 2011. Inspired by the Arab Spring, Syrians were hopeful they could end their country’s 40-year reign of brutal dictatorship. Instead, their efforts yielded horrific consequences as the government swiftly punished those in opposition, demonstrating their ruthlessness by targeting and torturing children. As peaceful protests were held, the government retaliated with extreme force, resulting in a full-blown civil war. From cutting off the food supply to the use of chemical weapons and targeted airstrikes on hospitals and schools, those fighting for freedom have endured a grave humanitarian crisis.


仇云波 任达华 高飞 大岛由加利 李国良 李春华 梁婉静 早濑重希


奥莉加·法捷耶娃 弗拉基米尔·叶皮凡采夫 谢尔盖·阿斯塔霍夫


梅艳芳 张曼玉 杨紫琼 刘青云


刘德华 刘青云 倪妮
